Niceville Campus eLetter

Thursday, May 16, 2024
From our Lead Pastor

Hello Crosspoint!
Summer is here, and we're stoked! We've got so much to be excited about. I've been the Mission Pastor here for A LONG time and this year is by far our biggest year ever for Short Term Foreign trips. We have 83 people traveling and this summer we will be in Mexico (with our students and families), Budapest (helping with English Camp), Guatemala (twice!), and Spain (running a sports outreach camp). That sounds like disciples who are stepping out to be helpful neighbors and Kingdom Builders!
And that doesn't even count our students who will be part of our 14th year of Mission Northwest (sign up link for students - sign up link for volunteers) where we partner with local nonprofits to serve our community! We're excited to be working with friends like The Pavillion Nursing Home, Westonwood Ranch, Emerald Coast Autism Center, The Choctawhatchee Basin Alliance, Heart of The Brid, The Pearl Project, and MORE!

One of the most challenging parts of my job as Missions Pastor is properly communicating and celebrating all the things that the people of Crosspoint do locally and globally. There's just too much to mention! Suffice it to say, it makes me incredibly proud to see so many people offering their unique gifts and experiences to make our community and our world a better place, for the sake of God's Great Kingdom!

Tyler Fuller signature

Tyler Fuller, Missions Pastor

Hannah Hutchinson

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