Join a GroupBluewater Bay Campus Questions? Contact Billy Russell, Campus Pastor,, 850-678-4411 ext 221. *required fields Last Name:*First Name:*Phone:*Email:* Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City ZIP / Postal Code 1. Which day(s) would you prefer to meet? (check all that apply)* Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2. How many miles are you willing to drive to your group? 1 5 10 3. In your group would you prefer? (please check one)* Men Only Women Only Men and Women Mixed 4. What would you prefer your life group to be comprised of?* Single People Married People Single and Married Combined 5. When it comes to group members' children, do you have a preference? (check all that apply) Mixed (children and without) No children Infant/Toddler Elementary Middle School/High School/College Empty Nest No Preference 6. Which of the following age groups would you prefer most of your group to be comprised of? College 20s 30s 40s 50s 60+ Mixed Ages 7. What are your hobbies, sports, and interests?8. Active Duty military: Yes No 9. Active Duty Military Spouse: Yes No 10. Is there anything else you want to share to help you find a great small group?CAPTCHA Δ