Rest Assured: A Study of Romans 8
Message SeriesThis 5-part series explores Romans 8. Paul brings together several of his previous arguments to paint a vivid picture of transformed Christian life. The Holy Spirit is a central figure as followers of Jesus find freedom, new identity,...
Kingdom Builders
Message SeriesFocusing on becoming a people who are willing to do whatever it takes build God’s Kingdom. We tend to hold tightly to the things that matter most. But soon, the fear of losing them can feel like a heavy weight. What if you could trade...
Finding Refuge
Message SeriesThis three week series uses Psalm 91 to show us how God serves as our refuge and how His presence, a very safe place in times of trouble, offers believers a place of safety and comfort when a situation feels overwhelming....
Running from God
Message SeriesbeliefbelievebiblechristmasfaithfreefreedomgodjesusjonahtrusttrustingtruthvisionJoin us as we encounter the transforming reality of mercy found within the book of Jonah. Through Jonah’s journey, we will uncover how God’s relentless compassion extends not only to those we deem unworthy but also to us in our moments...
To: You, From: God
Message Seriesbeliefbelievebiblechristmasfaithfreefreedomgodjesusto you from godtrusttrustingtruthvisionAs a part of the Christmas season, many families around the world give presents to one another. On those presents, a tag is put that says: “To: _______, From: ______” to indicate who the present is to and who it is from. This is a...
Holy Ghosted
Message SeriesbeliefbelievebiblefaithfreefreedomghostedgodhearholyjesustrusttrustingtruthvisionHave you ever wondered who the Holy Spirit is and what the Holy Spirit does? Not what you see on the internet, but for real? The truth is many Christians ghost the Holy Ghost. Over the next 6 weeks we’ll discover, or re-discover,...
Message SeriesawakenbeliefbelievebiblefaithfreefreedomgodjesustrusttrustingtruthvisionPlease join us in this 5 week sermon series as we share the vision we believe God has given us to awaken the church and to awaken the people to Jesus. Crosspoint is about people connecting people to Christ and their unique role in...
Work It!
Message SeriesbeliefbelievebiblefaithfreefreedomgodjesustrusttrustingtruthvisionMany people either hate their job or simply endure it because they have to. Others become workaholics because they find their identity in an occupation or because of a deep-seated obsession...
Come As You Are
Message SeriesbeliefbelievebiblefaithfreefreedomgodjesustrusttrustingtruthvisionThe start of the new school year is a time of reset for many people, and we expect to see more faces in our worship services. This Sunday we will be talking about our desire to be...
Helpful Neighbor
Message SeriesbeliefbelievebiblefaithfreefreedomgalatiagalatiansgodjesustrusttrustingtruthDo you know your neighbors? Do your neighbors know you? What if one of the most impactful, Godly things you ever did was simply to get to know your neighbors?...
What If Jesus Was Serious?
Message SeriesbeliefbelievebiblefaithfreefreedomgalatiagalatiansgodjesustrusttrustingtruthIn one sermon, the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus flips his own religion on its head and challenges His disciples, both then and now, into a whole new way of being...
You Asked for It
Message SeriesbeliefbelievebiblefaithfreefreedomgalatiagalatiansgodjesustrusttrustingtruthIn this 6-week series, "You Asked For It!," we will dissect and take some of the tough issues that are often challenging to discuss in church. You won't want to miss the answers to questions that people have always wanted to know...
The Story
Message SeriesbeliefbelievebiblefaithfreefreedomgalatiagalatiansgodjesustrusttrustingtruthDid you know the Bible isn’t a collection of books, but is actually one grand narrative telling the story of God? Oftentimes, we’re tempted to read the Bible as if we’re the main character in the story. But that’s not how the Bible is...
More Blessed
Message SeriesbibleblessedcreditdebtfaithfinancesgodjesusmoneymoreseriestithetruthswisdomDuring this two-week series, we will explore generosity in a way that encourages giving to express the abundance of God’s grace in our lives instead of obligation or religious doctrine....
DTR | Defining the Relationship
Message SeriesconversationdefinedefinedDTRgodnew yearrelationshipRuthEver had to have the DTR (define the relationship) talk? It’s a defining moment in any relationship, but what are we really trying to define in that conversation? And what other relationships need to be better defined in our life......
Fresh Start
Message Seriesbiblefaithfresh startjesusnew yearstartstrongThe new year feels like a Fresh Start, but it only stays as a feeling unless we figure out how to start strong, especially in our faith life. Join our Lead Pastor, Jeremy Smith, as he has a conversation with......
Rescue Mission
Message Series2023adventarrivalawaitingbirthchristmasjesusmissionplanRescueThis is a series focused on Advent which is awaiting the arrival of Jesus. Jesus was God’s plan to carry out his Rescue Mission for us....
Your Red Flag is Showing
Message Seriesangerarrogancebitternessdiscontentdiscontentmentdishonestdishonestylifemessyred flagrelationshiprelationshipsUmm…your red flag is showing. You know, the thing that’s making your life and relationships messier than they need to be. Maybe it’s a tendency toward anger or dishonesty or discontentment—whatever it is, it’s in the way. And it’s time...
How to Survive the End of the World
Message Serieschurchcome backend of worldfield manualmanualpeterreturnsurviveworldThe early Church believed that Jesus could come back at any time, so Peter gave them a field manual in 1 Peter 4:7-11 for how to survive the end of the world. Join us as we discover how to live while expecting Jesus to come back at any...
Message Series20352035 dreamconnectdeploydevelopdiscipledisciple-makingdisciplesdreamfuturemissionvisionWhen’s the last time you dreamed about the future? Join us as we unveil a brand-new vision for the future, The 2035 Dream, as well as how we can all take steps to live it out together....
I’m Freaking Out
Message SeriesbiblecreditdebtfaithfinancesgodjesuslieliesmoneymortgageseriestithetruthswisdomEver feel like the to-do list is never-ending, the volume of life never gets turned down, and if it’s not one thing then it’s another? Sometimes we can all feel like we’re freaking out....
From Get That Bread, To Give That Bread
Message Seriesafricabikes and biblesbudapestchurchCrosspointforeign missionsGuatemalaMexicomission northwestmissionsThis is Missions Week! The week that we set aside each year to focus on how the people of Crosspoint are living out what we believe. The week where we explore what it looks like for us to be a movement, deployed on mission, living as...
Ancient Mixtape
Message SerieschurchCrosspointdirectionmissionmonday morningrefreshrenewvisionDid you know Jesus quoted songs a lot…well, Psalms at least? The Psalms were the worship songs for the Israelites, and Jesus quotes from Psalms more than any other Old Testament book....
The Gift
Message Seriesadvocatedisciplesempowergiftholy spiritjesusIn the beginning of Acts, Jesus promises a gift. This gift, meant for everyone, empowers us to be faithful disciples and to carry out our mission to be Jesus' witnesses....
Monday Morning Mission
Message SerieschurchCrosspointdirectionmissionmonday morningrefreshrenewvisionNobody likes Monday morning. Back to work. Back to school. Back to the everydayness of life. But what if Monday morning wasn’t just about restarting the week, but re-engaging a mission?...
Hard to Follow
Message Seriesbiblebloodbodycommunioncrossfaithfollowersgodhard to followjesusnarrow roadsacrificeseriesJesus said that being His disciple means denying ourselves, taking up our cross, and following Him. Choosing to follow Jesus is the best decision we could ever make… but it’s not necessarily an easy calling....
2 Truth$ and A Lie
Message SeriesbiblecreditdebtfaithfinancesgodjesuslieliesmoneymortgageseriestithetruthswisdomGetting acquainted with a healthy financial perspective is not a game, it’s a necessity. But in a world of maxed out credit and up-side down mortgages, where do you turn for wisdom when you’re trying to separate facts from fiction?...
Love Sex Body
Message SeriesbiblebodyfaithgodGod's designjesusloveseriessexsexualsexualitySexuality is a hot button topic in our culture with all kinds of diverging narratives and worldviews clashing to claim the “right” way to view sexual issues. Everywhere we turn, sex is at the forefront....
Regret Not
Message SeriesbibleelishafaithgodjesusmiraclesregretseriesOne of the greatest heroes of the Old Testament is a guy with a weird name you’ve probably never heard of: Elisha. Elisha was an incredible man of God who God used over and over again......
Starting Strong
Message Seriesbiblefaithfresh startjesusnew yearstartstrongThe new year feels like a fresh start, but it only stays as a feeling unless we figure out how to Start Strong, especially in our faith life. Join our Lead Pastor, Jeremy Smith, as he has a conversation with......
Being Open to the Unexpected
Message SerieschristmasjesusMarymessageSaviorunexpectedWho could have possibly been interested in a young, unmarried, pregnant peasant girl making an 80 mile trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem? A few were. And all of them bowed down to worship Jesus....
Christmas at Crosspoint 2022
Message SeriesChristchristmaschristmas at crosspointChristmas EvehopemessageministryWhy did Jesus have to come “in the flesh”? It seems like a weird way to save the world, but it’s actually the most beautiful way. Join us for this Christmas Eve sermon as we discover why......
God With Us
Message SeriesadventbelievebiblechristmasdesertfaithgodjesuslightmessagemoutainseriesvalleywaitingHe’s with you through the pain. He comforts you in the waiting. When you’re anxious about your future, He gives you courage. As you climb the mountain, He keeps you safe in His arms....
Message Seriesadventbelievebiblechristmasfaithgodjesuslightmessageministryreturnsecond comingserieswaiting“You should have no other gods before me” is a direct command from God. While we may not have physical idols in our houses or places of worship anymore, there are all kinds of “gods” we worship in our culture....
Letters to Leaders
Message SeriesbeliefbelievebiblefaithfreefreedomgalatiagalatiansgodjesustrusttrustingtruthThis 7-week study of 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus explores key principles in Christian leadership, keeping in mind that all Christians are called to be leaders...
Parenting Through Proverbs
Message SerieschildrenCoachingDisciplineFoundationFriendshipkidsKing SolomonparentingparentsproverbsSolomonTeachingtrainingIf you’ve ever had a parenting fail, you’re not alone. There is no such thing as a perfect parent or a perfect kid. Parenting is tough! ...
Preparation for Promise
Message SeriescirclescloudycomplainingdirectionfearfulfilledpreparationpromiseunknownGod is always pointing us somewhere, but sometimes it isn’t always clear where he’s pointing us. As we wait for his direction, God will shape us and teach us how to trust him....
The Future is as Bright as the Promises of God
Message SeriesbrightfutureGod's promisespromisesSometimes we have to look back to how things were intended to be to sure of what it is that we are to be now. We need to remember our roots, where we’ve come from....
Message SeriesbeliefbelievebiblefaithfreefreedomgalatiagalatiansgodjesustrusttrustingtruthThe Church in Galatia faced a choice between two ways of approaching a relationship with God: trusting what we can do for ourselves or trusting what Jesus has done for us. This choice between......
Message Seriesbeliefbelievebiblefaithgodjesusloudmouthmessed upnormalpeterrealtruthHave you ever felt like you messed up royally? Ever spoken when you should have kept your mouth shut? Ever felt like you actually did the right thing and everything kind of lined up for you perfectly…for a moment...
God’s Economy
Message Serieseconomyfinancesgenerositygivinggiving response cardinvestmoneypaycheckpledgeprioritiesprioritypurposeresponsestewardshipstufftest GodtithetrustAn economy is “the large set of inter-related production and consumption activities that aid in determining how scarce resources are allocated”. In Greek, it literally means “the management of the household”....
Redefining Christian
Message Seriesbefriendbefriendingcomparisondressfairy talesfearshealingheroheroesimagemonstermoviesnotprideRecoveryspiritualsuccessvulnerableThe word “Christian” has come to mean all sorts of things. There are many different types of Christians and definitions of what a Christian is, and many bad and good things have been done in the name of Christianity....
Escaping the Debt Pit
Message SeriesdebtensaredescapefinancesmoneyIf you have been ensnared by debt, we want to help you escape. This message series can help you escape the debt pit and help 2022 be your best year ever....
Find Rest
Message Seriesfind restover-committedover-workedoverwhelmedresttiredJesus promised that all who come to him will find rest…but what does that even mean? In our world today, you’re not “adult-ing” if you’re not over-worked, over-committed, and over-whelmed....
Between Advents
Message Seriesadventbelievebiblechristmasfaithgodjesuslightmessageministryreturnsecond comingserieswaitingWe are living between two advents: the incarnation and the second coming of Jesus. This Advent series explores how we should live in this “in-between.” How do we live in light of Jesus’s ministry while waiting...
How to Pray
Message SeriesansweredaskfastgodhearjedijesusjoylistenLordLord's PrayerpausepowerprayprayerprayingrejoiceseekunansweredvoicewarriorsSometimes we make prayer way more complicated than it needs to be. Even Jesus’ disciples asked him to “teach us to pray”. The Lord’s Prayer simply covers all the bases. How to Pray is a message series to provide...
Doubt it Out
Message SeriesapologeticsbeliefbelievebiblefaithgodjesusnormalrealtruthSometimes faith and doubt are viewed as opposites, but they aren’t. It’s normal to doubt. Oftentimes God uses our doubt to draw us closer to Him. Join us over the next 7 weeks as we explore doubts we may have, and how...
Fall Kick-Off 2021
Message Series2021back to schoolfallFall Kick-Off 2021gathergroupjoinlife groupsmessageseriesstartJoin us this Sunday for our Fall Kick-Off where we will be discussing all that God is able to accomplish in and through us “When We Gather” as the people of God. We are excited about everything that is going to take place this fall...
Walk This Way
Message Seriesbibledestinationeternalfaithjourneylifemessagepaulwalkwalk this waywayIn an ancient world without automotive transportation, walking was the only way people could travel between towns or countries. So, it is not surprising that the Bible often describes...
Out of the Box Into the World
Message Series2021boxconferencemissionmissionsmissions weekworldGod's presence has always been too big to fit inside of a box, and God's people are called to follow God's lead! Every one of us is sent out to God's people, wherever we find them, to use...
The Struggle
Message Seriescaredeathempathygriefgrievinglosspainpandemicrealstrugglestrugglessufferweep2020 was tough for all of us… and 2021 hasn’t been much better. There isn’t a person on earth who hasn’t been touched by the pandemic. We’ve all suffered loss. We’ve all suffered pain...
Befriending Your Monsters
Message Seriesbefriendbefriendingcomparisondressfairy talesfearshealingheroheroesimagemonstermoviesnotprideRecoveryspiritualsuccessvulnerableMonsters aren't real. As reasonable adults, we know this. But we also know that, while fake, the monsters of fairy tales, movies, and Netflix series embody our very real fears...
Reverse the Curse
Message SeriesChristcreationcrosscurseeasterfrustrationfulfillmentharmonyheavenhospitalityhostilityreverseIn the beginning God Created... everything. And He saw that it was good. But a world of God’s creation became tainted by a curse of our own doing. When sin entered the world, it brought frustration...
This is What We Do
Message Series2021abundanceblessingcardfinancesfirstgenerositygivinggiving response cardinspirationinvestleadlifemoneypaycheckper centpledgeprioritiesprioritypurposeresponsestewardshipstufftest GodtightfistedtithetrustAs followers of Christ, we don't just give when we feel like it. We lead the way with generosity. Generosity opens doors and solves problems. Generosity inspires others to be generous, too...
The I Between Us
Message SeriesargumentconversationdatedivorceideaslistlovemarriagerelationshiprelationshipsrenewalvowAll relationships are hard, but marriages are even harder! Whether you are single, married, or single again, there are biblical tips we can learn for a better marriage—a Christ-centered one...
The Year of the Comeback
Message Series20202021come backcomebackdifficultjosephrecoverrestoretoughyear2020 was a tough year for many, but tough years are nothing new for God’s People. Joseph went from one tough situation to another in his life, but God had a comeback in mind for Joseph...
Say Goodbye to 2020
Message Series202027December 27goodbyeonlineonlySay Goodbye to 2020worshipOn Sunday, December 27, 2020, join us at as we worship as one church, only online. Join us at 8:00 traditional; 9:30 contemporary or 11:00 contemporary....
How to Be Holy
Message SeriesbodydeathdyingfilterflagholinessholyLordlordshiplovemindrestsanctificationselfselfiesurrendersurvivalsurviveunholywhiteworld“Be holy” is a clear command throughout the Old Testament, and it’s reiterated by Jesus Himself. However, it often seems intimidating, too demanding, and almost impossible. So how...
Jesus 2020
Message Series2020commonconflictdivisionhostilityjesuspoliticspresidenttribalismunitywinLiving in a divided world isn’t anything new. Tribalism is one of our oldest instincts; and so is the violence that accompanies it. However, when Jesus showed up in the world, He smashed the...
Fall Kick Off
Message Series2020fallkickkick-offkickoffmessagemessagesoffEvery new season has a kickoff, and that’s what we are entering in to as a community and as a church: a new season! With that new season comes new ministry opportunities, new ways to connect...
Can’t Stop – Won’t Stop
Message Seriescan'tkingdomlovemessagemissionsstopvideowon'tOne thing has not changed throughout all of history - God’s Kingdom work! The love of God constantly draws us in and makes us more loving and holy. That work hasn’t stopped. It can’t stop! No virus...
Bounce Back
Message SeriesbackbouncebrokenchoicechoicescircumstancescontrolcoronavirushealinghealthypurposerecoverRecoveryrestorationsetbackssummeruncertaintyIn a season of the stay-at-home order, many have experienced setbacks not only in our finances, but also in our thoughts and emotions. It’s time to Bounce Back....
Navigating the New Normal
Message Seriescampus pastordiscussionforumfutureisraeliteisraelitesnavigatingnew normalnormalpaneltrustNo one knows exactly what’s going to happen next as we slowly come out of our stay at home order, but that’s not a new thing. No one has ever known what’s coming next. Our story...
Savage Jesus
Message SeriescrucifieddeatheasterGood FridayjesusmessageresurrectionsavageseriesThere’s an aspect of Jesus that has largely been forgotten. As Christians, we tend to present Him as safe and soft. But Jesus wasn’t safe and He certainly wasn’t soft. He was a savage...
But We Had Hoped
Message SeriesbelievebutChristcircumstancesemmaushadhopehopedresurrectionroadweThis individual message was preached for our Online Campus, March 15, 2020, during our "suspended" worship services due to the Conoravirus situation, in order to bring perspective about our hope in Christ and opportunities...
Tuning Out the Noise
Message SeriesdisciplinesfastfastinggodlistennoisepracticessinspiritualtuneLife is full of noise. Screen time continues to go up, and our schedules continue to fill up. Today, it’s as important as ever to be "Tuning Out the Noise" so that we can "Tune In to God." In this message series we will rediscover...
God Cares More About Your Money Than You Do
Message SeriesblessblessedcarecaresestimatefinancesfinancialgivingmessagemoneypledgespendstewardshipDid you know that as much as you care about your money, God cares more about it than you do? The Bible is full of verses on what God wants us to do with the money He’s blessed us with...
You in 5 Years
Message Series5dreamsfivefuturegoalshopesplanspracticalspiritualyearsyouWhat changes can you make now to become who you want to be in five years? We all have goals, plans, hopes, and dreams for our future. Things we want to start—or maybe stop—doing. But how do we get there? This five-part series explores...
Message Seriesconditionalfollowfollow for followfollow4followhashtaglikerelationshipsocialtagWe see conditions everywhere on social media. #like4like, mention me in your story since I mentioned you, #follow4follow. We've created a society geared towards conditional relationships, but are conditions bad necessarily?...
Unused Gifts
Message Seriesbodybuildchurchgiftgiftsholysalvationspiritspiritualunusedunused giftWe just celebrated God's gift of salvation through the birth of Jesus. Through the letters to first century church, the Apostle Paul teaches about other gifts, spiritual gifts, that we receive from God when we accept our gift of...
He Shall Be Called
Message Series2019adventcalledcounseloremmanuelgod with ushe shall be calledhopeimmanueljoylovemessageMighty GodpeacePrince of PeaceseriesshallwonderfulIn the ancient world, a person’s name was far more than simply something you called them, it was a representation of they are at their core. Isaiah tells us that Christ would be called “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting...
Made New
Message Serieschangedirectionexpectationsfinancesimageimprovementmeaningpurposerelationshiprelationshipsself-helptransformtransformationAre you in need of some direction or purpose? You've tried the self-help books and the "better yourself" conferences, but nothing seems to help you live a life that isn't marked with striving. The key to transformation is about...
Orphan Week
Message Series2019changechildrenmessagemissionorphanrelationshipsvulnerableweekweekendworldEvery year Crosspoint takes a weekend of worship to focus on the needs of vulnerable children locally and globally. We highlight adoption, foster care, Guardian Ad Litems, child sponsorship, and many other ways the church can make a...
Am I Enough?
Message SeriesafraidcallconfidenceenoughexcusesfearfollowfollowingGod's callknowmosesobedienceobeyscaredskillskilledHave you ever been scared of stepping into what God is calling you to do? Even our Biblical Heroes have done this. Join us over the next five weeks to learn from Moses' excuses and how we can follow God's call with confidence...
Christian Atheist
Message Seriesangryatheistauthenticbelievebelieverchristianculturedon'texistexistenceexistsfeelfollowgodknowtrustworldWe live in a country where most people claim to believe in God, but when we look around for the evidence of that, it’s scarce. Instead, we are a people who believe in God, but don’t live as if He exists...
For the Next Generation
Message SeriesgenerationkidsleadleadershipnextstudentstraintrainingvisionyouthThis weekend on the Niceville Campus, we are celebrating 10 years of ministry in the Kids Building and the renovated Student Ministry space! Come celebrate with us as we thank God for all He’s done. We will also be casting vision about...
Message SeriesanswerbiblegentleliteraturemessageOld TestamentplanpracticalproverbsreadingrelationshipsseriesskillssummertrustwisdomwordsYouVersionDo you ever crave God’s wisdom? Join us for our summer series, Proverbs, as we explore this wisdom literature of the Old Testament. Learn practical skills for succeeding in God’s world. Gain good advice. But more. Gain God’s...
Student Takeover Weekend
Message Series2019messagemissionnorthwestokaloosastudenttakeoverweekendThe week of July 24-28, our students served at 18+ mission sites all over Northwest Florida, and then gathered together at night for worship services at our week long serve camp called Mission Northwest...
Leaving a Legacy that Lasts
Message Seriesfamilyfatherfather's daygenerationheritagehusbandlastslegacynurtureHave you ever struggled to know what is most important to do as a parent or as a father? What if there were just five things that your kids really need to live a life of purpose and for you to leave a legacy in the next generation and...
Marching Off the Map
Message SeriesasburyAusleychurchcommissionfloridagreatgrowthharvestmapmarchingmissionmulti-sitemultiplymultiplyingmultisitenorthwestplantseedvisionEvery time Crosspoint has planted God's seed, He has done immeasurably more than we could have asked or imagined. We live in challenging times, but the answer is to keep planting seeds! Hear this Sunday how Crosspoint plans on doing...
Hide and Seek
Message Seriesdifficultfindgodhideneedrelationshipsearchseektimestoughwaywherewhere is godwhywillwill of godDo you remember playing “hide and seek” as a child? To many of us, this game reflects what our relationship with God looks like. We can feel at times like God is playing a game of spiritual “hide and seek” with us–where He has hidden...
Message Seriescalvarydamascusdeserteasterjerichomessagemessage seriesroadsseriesLife is very much like a highway. It is full of twists and turns and many roads that lead us on a wild ride. Just like Jesus on his way to Calvary, and Paul on his way to Damascus, we all travel on roads of great significance to our...
More Like Jesus
Message SeriesdevotionaldisciplediscipleshipdisciplinesgodimagejesuslentenlikelistenpracticesprayprayerworshipWhether you’re a new Christian, a seasoned pro or somewhere in between, we all have a desire to be More Like Jesus. Join us over these next 4 weeks as we explore the ways we can grow in our faith and take our next steps to reflecting...
Solo to Soulmates
Message Serieschildrencrisisdatingdivorceempty nestengagementfamilyintimacymarriagerelationshiprelationshipssexsingleweddingwidowwidowerFrom dating to empty nest, our relationships go through many phases. In each phase we experience times we love and enjoy, and events and situations we have to work through together. Wouldn’t it be nice if each phase came with an...
Getting Connected in Community
Message SeriesbibleChristcommunityconnectedfellowshipgroupgrowhomesjourneylife groupspeopleprayrelationshipssmall groupsspiritualstudywalkThis message focuses on how to get connected in a Life Group at Crosspoint, and the importance of growing in faith and living life in relationship to others, as we continue to connect people to...
The Kingdom
Message SeriesadventarrivalChristchristmascomeearthexpectfulfillfulfilledfuturegod with usheartheartsheavenhopeincarnationjesusjoykidskingkingdomkingdom of godlifelovemeaningnativitynowpeaceprophecyreturnscripturesecond comingunexpectedupside downviralwithinThe Kingdom of God is a common phrase in the Church, but what does it mean… and what does it look like? During this season of Advent we remember that through Jesus, God’s Kingdom has already broken into this world, but we also look...
Message Seriesacceptacceptancealoneanxietybiblebrokenchurchcomfortcomfortercommunityconnectconnectedcrowddepressiondigitaldisconnectedfeargriefheart-breakheartbreakhiddenholy spiritidentityignoreignoredisolationjeremiahlonelinesslonelylovemedianewsobediencerejectrejectionrelationshipsself-esteemsocialspiritsuicidetechnologyvalueworldEven our online connections can leave us feeling more isolated and lonely; like our life doesn’t measure up to everyone else’s. Especially as we approach the holidays, what do we do when we feel isolated and alone? How can we reconnect...
Message Seriesbonfireburncampfireemberfirefirestartersflamegood deedsgrowgrowinghotkindlingleadleaderleadershiplightloveseekseekingsharespectatorspiritspreadwarmthwildfirewitnessThe American church is very similar to a campfire. We envision ourselves sitting around enjoying it, basking in its warmth, and enjoying the company of good friends and family… but life gets in the way so we never really make it...
Imperfect Church
Message SeriesadmitchurchconfesscriticismcriticismsfailfailedfailuresfaultsforgivehumbleimperfectlearnmistakespastpeopleperfectvalidvalidateWe would be the first to admit: The Church is certainly not what it ought to be! The Church has not always been as forthcoming about our faults and failures. Join us as we seek to be as honest about the failures of the Church and to...
Gen Now
Message Serieschildchildrendiscipleshipfocusgenerationgenerationskidsleadleaderleadershipnextnowpassprepareraising upstudentssuccessteenstraintrainingwinyouthGen Now: Helping the next generation win. Most times the things that drove us the most crazy as kids are the times we miss the most. Dont Miss it! This message discusses making the most of the time we have left with our kids and...
Student Takeover Weekend 2018
Message Series2018communityfloridagenerationleadleaderleadershipmissionmissionsnorthwestnowokaloosaoutreachservestudentstudentstrainworshipyoungyouthStudents have taken over Crosspoint during the Student Takeover Weekend 2018. Take a look at the highlights on this amazing weekend and learn how our students impact our church. Our students show us how we are made to serve by...
Message SeriesanointappearanceDavidfailurefamousfirstflawedgiantsheartheroimportantkinglostmotivationoutwardovercomingpoetpoliticianpowerpowerfulrags to richesSamuelshepherdstruggleswarriorIsrael’s King David is one of the Bible’s most famous people. We tend to look at Bible heroes through rose-colored glasses, but David was a man of great “highs” and terrible “lows” and the Bible doesn’t whitewash the flaws of this hero...
The Problem of God
Message Seriesaccurateanti-sexapologeticsauthenticauthenticitybadbelievebiblechristianityclaimclaimsconsciencecreationculturedefenddiscrepancieserrorsevilevolutionexistencefalsegodgoodheavenhellhypocrisyhypocritejesusjudgemoralitynormsproblemrealrightsciencesexsufferingtruetrusttruthwitnesswrongHave you ever been skeptical about God? Had a crisis in your faith journey and wondered, “Why is this happening?” or “Where is God in all of this?” or maybe, “Is there even a God at all?” The Problem of God will explore the claims of...
Greater Than
Message Seriesaaronangelscovenantdeatheastereternal lifeeternitygreatgreatergreatnessheavenjesuskingdomlifemosesnew covenantold covenantpriesthoodprophetprophetsresurrectionsabbathEveryone wants to experience a taste of greatness in life. It’s what drives so many to competition in every arena of life from sports to music, academics to fashion, and even in cooking. Yes we all dream of being known as the GOAT-the...
Message SeriesenougheternaleternityfinancesgivegivingmattermoneyprioritiesprioritystewardshiptithetithingvalueIn order to accomplish God’s plan, it is going to take all of us asking ourselves a question, “What is ENOUGH?” This may be the most important question we ask ourselves in 2018 as we consider all that God might do if we take that...
Begin Again
Message Seriesbadbegin againbetrayalcondemnedcrowdexperiencesfailuregoodgood enoughgracegriefguiltyjudasmercymoldnew yearordinarypastperfectpeterpracticeredeemredeemedredemptionrelationshipsremaderemoldresolutionsrestorationsecond chancestrugglestrugglesunqualifiedEveryone needs a second chance (and more likely a third, fourth, fifth and on and on). What if God and your next chance were right around the corner? What if God’s not angry, but full of grace and mercy? Come begin the New Year by...