Media Request Form The Creative Arts Ministry exists to Connect people to Christ through the Arts. Our mission is to Re-connect the arts with God to provide opportunities for people to Meet Christ in the church and the community. It's our desire to serve our church and every ministry within the church. Therefore, we hope to be clear and objective in receiving and fulfilling all media requests. Please submit requests six weeks before the completion date of your project. *required fields Name:*Ministry Area:Phone:*Email:* Event Title/Ministry Project Name:Event Date: MM slash DD slash YYYY Media Project Draft Date: (must be at least one week prior to completion date) MM slash DD slash YYYY Media Project Completion Date: (must be at least 2 days prior to event date) MM slash DD slash YYYY Estimated Budget:Ministry to be billed:Media Options: Videography Photography Printed Material Graphics Choose from the above choices that you would like for a media request. The remainder of the form will be displayed according to the boxes that you check above.REQUEST NOTES: Please submit requests six weeks before the completion date of your project. All requests are pending final approval by Becca Fominaya. No Media Request will be accepted through verbal means, email, or any other type of communication. A Media Request must be submitted to guarantee that we have all the information we need to create and deliver the requested piece. Information Accuracy Confirmation:* I understand the above Media Request notes, and have double checked my information submitted in this request is correct. Meeting Request: Please contact me to arrange a meeting to discuss further. CAPTCHA Δ