North Crestview Campus eLetter

Thursday, January 16, 2025
Have you ever tried running from God?

I know I have before. And if your experience is the same as mine... it didn’t work out too well!

If you’ve ever found yourself trying to ignore God’s voice, run from a calling, or turn away from God, you are not alone. The book of Jonah describes, in detail, his flight from God. He tried to get as far away from God’s presence as he could. But it didn’t work.

The thing is: We can’t run from God because he is everywhere!

Jonah ends up at rock bottom. Even though he wanted nothing to do with God, even though his heart wasn’t in the right place, he could not outrun God. His story goes to show that God’s mercy seeks us out, God’s grace comforts us in the most trying times, and God’s love is more powerful than our rebellion and sin.

Jonah’s story challenges us to confront our own rebellion against God – the ways we fail to trust him and go our own way. The story also offers us hope that we can still find God despite the mess we make of our lives.

I hope you will join us this Sunday as we continue our study of Jonah. We will continue to see God’s mercy and power on display which fuels our worship of Him.

My prayer for us all is that we would experience God’s mercy in a profound way and declare along with Jonah:

"But me, I will offer a sacrifice to you with a voice of thanks. That which I have promised, I will pay. Deliverance belongs to the Lord!”
Jonah 2:9 CEB

See you Sunday,

Taylor Nixon

Taylor Nixon, Campus Pastor

Holly Chavis

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