April 16, 2023

You Can Do It, We Can Help

Part 1 of 6

About the Series

Monday Morning Mission

Nobody likes Monday morning. Back to work. Back to school. Back to the everydayness of life. But what if Monday morning wasn’t just about restarting the week, but re-engaging a mission? What if all day, every day you were living out your unique role in God’s kingdom? What if every interaction you have where you live, work, and play has an eternal purpose? We believe it does.

Every day of our lives, including the dreaded Monday morning’s have a mission from God and we want to help you discover your unique role in it. You can do it, we can help. 

Monday Morning Mission

More from the Series

You Can Do It, We Can Help

Part 1 of 6

Know Your Role

Part 2 of 6

Faithful Follower

Part 3 of 6

Helpful Neighbor

Part 4 of 6

Deployed Disciple

Part 5 of 6

Kingdom Builder

Part 6 of 6

Other Message Series

The Story
You Asked for It
You Asked for It