Freeport Campus eLetter

Thursday, July 25, 2024
From our Campus Pastor

Dear Freeport Family

I am so excited about all that God is doing in our midst! I wanted to share a few things with you to look ahead to this coming fall!

Baptism In The Bay - July 28th at PM @Grady Brown Park 

This Sunday, July 28th, at 4 PM, we invite you to Grady Brown Park for our annual “Baptism In The Bay.” This sacred ceremony symbolizes a profound commitment to faith and community, and it’s a wonderful opportunity for us to come together to support those taking this important step in their spiritual journey. Please bring your family and friends to celebrate this joyous occasion.

If you have the last name A-M please bring your favorite side dish. Last name N-Z please bring a dessert. We will supply the drinks, hamburgers, and hot dogs.

Week 3 of Our Series “Helpful Neighbor”: The Fear Factor

On Sunday, we’ll also continue with Week 3 of our sermon series, “Helpful Neighbor.” This week, we will focus on “The Fear Factor” — exploring the fears that often hold us back from fully engaging in discipleship and community service. Together, we will learn how to overcome these barriers and embrace our call to be helpful neighbors, living out our faith through acts of love and kindness.

We hope to see you at Grady Brown Park for the baptism and in our regular service as we continue to explore what it means to be a community of faithful neighbors.

Stephen Ministry

A special message from our Stephen Ministry representative on our Campus, Bruce Pettibone.

As we talk about being a helpful neighbor in the current sermon series, one of the questions we ask is “What are their needs?”.  For most people, their needs are relatively simple and can be easily addressed.  For others, they are experiencing a very hard life challenge such as divorce, loneliness, job loss, grief, or health challenges.  They need someone to come alongside them and walk with them through the difficult time.

Paul writes in Romans 12:15 “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”.  It’s easy to rejoice with someone when times are good, but it can be harder to empathize with someone who is mourning.  Empathy is looking at the world from someone else’s perspective to experience what the person Is feeling and then expressing your understanding of those feelings to that person.  It’s reaching out to the other person who is stuck in the mud, of their life challenge, and helping them navigate their way out.

Stephen ministers are trained to do just that.  If you would like to find out how you can be a helpful neighbor and become a Stephen Minister, I’ll be in the lobby Sunday August 4th, with more information.  I would love to discuss Stephen Ministry with you and how it can be life-changing, not only for the person you are helping get out of the mud, but also for you.

See You Sunday!

Sam Brown, Campus Pastor

Crosspoint, Freeport

Holly Chavis

News & Announcements


Celebrate Recovery® meets Thursday evenings from 5:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at Crosspoint Freeport. Optional fellowship and hot dog dinner is served from 5:15 p.m.- 6:00 p.m.

Fellowship-515 p.m. Childcare Provided
Large Group-6 p.m. Dinner w Donation
Small Groups-7 p.m.

Just come! Celebrate Recovery is for everyone!

Contact Deana Godwin for more information.