Niceville Campus eLetter

Thursday, February 6, 2025
From our Associate Minister

Have you ever needed refuge in your life? We are all familiar with sheltering from extreme weather, but most of us have also had experiences where we needed refuge from the storms of life. For the next three weeks, we will be in a series called "Finding Refuge" - focusing on the incredible promises of Psalm 91. Our God is the only One who is strong enough to shelter us and good enough to do it. We can face the storms of life with honesty and hope because we can find refuge with our God.

One of the ways God gives us refuge is by equipping His people to care for one another! Have you ever wondered if your unique role in God's mission might be helping others find refuge? Or are you in a season of life where you need God to give you refuge through His people? Many of our ministries at Crosspoint do just that:

  • Stephen Ministry (Congregational Care): Stephen Ministry is confidential one-on-one caregiving designed to walk alongside someone during life's challenging times.
  • Guest Services: When we welcome people with smiles and kind words and little yellow buses, we show them that the people of God and even our church buildings can be places where God gives us refuge.
  • DivorceCare and GriefShare (Life Groups): We can find refuge from the pain of grief and broken relationships when we walk through difficult things in a Christian community.
  • Celebrate Recovery: Not just for people struggling with addiction, CR invites anyone with hurts, habits, and hangups to find freedom and wholeness in Christ!
  • And so many more!! You can contact me ( if you are interested in serving or participating in any of these ministries, and I would be happy to get you connected.

2 Corinthians 1:4 reminds us that God comforts us so that we can comfort others. Sometimes, we need to receive the comfort that others are ready to give, and sometimes, we need to share the comfort that we have received from God. Whether by giving or seeking refuge, I encourage you to take a step of faith this month as we Find Refuge in our good God!

See you Sunday!

Meredith Aylward Jordan

Meredith Aylward Jordan, Associate Minister


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