South Crestview Campus eLetter
Thursday, March 6, 2025
From our Campus Pastor Mathew Hargett
What are you building in life? What is your life building toward? What kind of legacy will you leave? Who are you being built into? When’s the last time you thought about that?
Most of the time, we don’t think about these kinds of questions until it feels like it’s too late, but as Christians, part of our mission is to constantly think about how God wants to use us to build His Kingdom. We are Kingdom Builders! This is what we started talking about in this past week’s message, which you can find here.
Here’s the thing about building for the future: it requires sacrifice today. If we don’t make intentional investments today, we will end up with nothing in the future, and the same thing is true of God’s Kingdom. We can do that by giving our time and sharing our talents and abilities, but one of the most important ways we can sacrifice for God’s Kingdom is by being generous and honoring God with our finances.
God’s starting point for generosity is tithing, or giving the first 10% of our income back to Him, because He gave everything to us. If you don’t have a lot, 10% for you can seem like a huge sacrifice. On the other hand, if you have been blessed financially, giving 10% of a much larger amount may feel like too much. Regardless of our financial situation, giving is a sacrifice.
So, what is God asking you to give regularly to build His Kingdom? The good news is we can’t outgive God. He is always more faithful to us than we can ever be to Him. Will you trust Him? Will you do whatever it takes to build His Kingdom? What are you building?
Take time to listen to the message again and prayerfully ask God what He would have you give. As God speaks to you, I encourage you to respond with joy. When you do, we would love for you to share your response with us by completing a Giving Response Card HERE.
Choosing generosity,
Mathew Hargett, Campus Pastor